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Welcome to our News page with offers and updates.

We have a wonderful client list with loyal customers and familiar faces visiting regularly.  As a result we don’t simply see ourselves as just a garage, but your port of call for any questions, queries or issues you may experience with your car.

Read below to earn £30 for your and a friend, or sign up for your welcome offer!  But first, we are thrilled to announce that our 9th Annual Charity Open Day will be held this year on 9th June.  Please join us for a fabulous day out; click here for more details.

Our business grows through referrals, so do you know someone who could benefit from our services?

No complicated forms or silly voucher codes, just ask your friend to give us your name and address/registration number and £30 will automatically be added to both your accounts as a Thank You!



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We are more than happy to apply discount vouchers to existing, future bookings.

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Visit your local Beaconsfield garage for convenient and reliable

car maintenance and servicing

Visit your local Beaconsfield garage for convenient and reliable car maintenance and servicing